
Security at my Fingertips...

       When I was a little girl in St. Lucia about 8 or 9 years old, a burglar broke into our home and made a sweep while my mom and I slept. We woke up to our front door wide opened, the furniture outside was gone, one sofa was gone, ornaments and some kitchen appliances gone. From that day my mom installed an alarm system into the house. The joke is she was and still is petrified of the alarm sounding so would often run in, tripping over the stairs to disarm it... loll... Poor lady. When I moved out and got my own apartment, the first criteria was an alarm system as I never wanted to feel that violation again.
When my husband and I bought our first home, ironically, his priority was to get an alarm installed but it was for reasons other than stuff being stolen. Rather, it was for protection as he was always away on business. We installed the ADT ALARM SYSTEM   and are very pleased with their services. We get call backs within a minute of the sounding of the alarm and customer service is very professional.
In addition to the safety they provide, when our first child, Dylan was diagnosed with autism, it became a life saver as he would often open doors and windows to escape. It was the extra eyes that I needed and as some may think of home security systems as a luxury, for many parents of autistic kids it is a necessity. They probably get more false alarms from us than anyone else but they are always so courteous and patient.
But here is what I just found out. Now ADT offers a feature called ADT PULSE which allows you to disarm your alarm from your cell phone or internet... How cool is that?... Boy if only that was around when I was a little girl growing up in St. Lucia, my mom's anxiety before entering the house would decrease ten folds and perhaps she would have taken less fall running to disarm it before the sirens blaze... hehehe

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