
Chocolate AND Vanilla!!!!!!..

      Waitttttt.... Did I say 5:00 pm. EST? Oppppppssssss. Boy, I tell ya. That fantasy of 2011 being the year when I focus on myself just went back to Wonderland this afternoon... Children will definitely give you a reality check very quickly when they decide to awake at at 3:30 am, drive their teachers to to loony bin, then come home having Satan's meltdown...What happened to crawl into bed if you are tired? I don't know...Ohhh did I fail to mention the word Autism? Yup...you could add that to the equation...ANYWAY... on to HAPPY, FUN STUFF!!!

       So who will be the winner of Brandylis and The Bear's first ever contest? Just a reminder... My previous post "Chocolate or Vanilla?.. Heck why not both", I posted a photo of a friend and asked everyone to identify how many chocolate and vanilla flavored/colored items in the photo... I found NINE items... Beware that this might be trickier than you think.. HINT...I did not count the total quantity of any one item
....HEHEHEHEHE... The person who mentions every NINE item that I found will win... What do you get when you mix Chocolate and Vanilla?......

So What are your answers? Here is the photo again!!!!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I give up, counting them made me crave!!!!!!
I love this game though. Let us see 5 chocolate coloured, 8 chocolate with vanila topping, two vanila with vanilla topping, 4 with vanilla and chocolate covered. Once chocolate coloured bag Oh and one chocolate Ella!!!!!!!!!!