
I have Confidence.......

Wasn't it a marvelous day today? If you are not in Florida, I hope you  had and equally beautiful day...It was 80 Plus degrees outside.. There was a beautiful breeze... Not one tantrum with any of the kids and Logi Bear dunked his first basketball..
                  It's Spring.... It's Spring .... It's ..... Stillll..... Springggggggg!!!!!!! ( COUGH COUGH)

So I asked my husband to do a photo shoot of me in my Spring (Dun Dun ) Dress... I told him that I would be twirling so he could capture some LOVELY ORGANIC PHOTOS... You know how celebrities have the lighting, fan, water, and music playing in the background... Well... I was on a 25 cent budget so I had to sing " The Hills are Alive" in my head to get me in the mood... Now those of you who know me know that The Sound of Music is one of my favortie movies of all time..... So....Mother Mercy...  Here is how it came out..... Hope you have a laugh at my expense.    Uhhh Uhhhmmm

What will this day be like? I wonder.

What will my future be? I wonder.
It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be freeeeeeee

My heart should be wildly rejoicing
Oh, what's the matter with me?

I've always longed for adventure
To do the things I've never dared
And here I'm facing adventure
Then why am I so scared

A captain with seven children ( I have 3)
What's so fearsome about that?

Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries
If I don't I just know I'll turn back
I must dream of the things I am seeking
I am seeking the courage I lack

The courage to serve them with reliance
Face my mistakes without defiance
Show them I'm worthy
And while I show them
I'll show me

So, let them bring on all their problems
I'll do better than my best
I have confidence they'll put me to the test
But I'll make them see I have confidence in me

Somehow I will impress them
I will be firm but kind
And all those children (Heaven bless them!)
They will look up to me

And mind me with each step I am more certainEverything will turn out fine
I have confidence the world can all be mine
They'll have to agree I have confidence in me

I have confidence in sunshine
I have confidence in rain
I have confidence that spring will come again
Besides which you see I have confidence in me

Strength doesn't lie in numbers
Strength doesn't lie in wealth
Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers
When you wake up -- Wake Up!

It tells me all I trust I lead my heart to
All I trust becomes my own
I have confidence in confidence alone
(Oh help!)

I have confidence in confidence alone
Besides which you see I have confidence in 

Soooooo....... what do you think?...... Will Vogue give me a call?........ Uhhhh.... Maybe I could get coffee for Anna Wontour?.... Right?....... (Crickets.... Crickets... Flies.....) 
Ohhhh... Kayyyyy... Hey I felt pretty... shucks... hehehehe


Diane said...

Oh Lisa I just love this movie. You should have dressed like Maria, then I would have had a great laugh.

Valerie F said...

hahahahahahha!!!! that was fun...fun fun.......