
Publix is the New Chilis..


For many years when my husband travelled for weeks at a time, leaving me alone with the kids, besides wishing that I had an extra pair of eyes to watch them while I take a half an hour nap, my biggest wish/desire was the ability to get groceries without leaving my car. There is nothing like running out of your most important staple during the day when you are with kids who can't tolerate the overstimulation of a supermarket. Just to gather them all into the vehicle while functioning on two hours sleep and several carpet steaming later was simply unbearable.
Alas, select Publix supermarkets offer "Curbside Pick Up"... Yippieeee!!!.. You simple go to http://www.publix.com/ and under "Services" you will find "Publix Curbside" and follow the instructions  In a nut shell, you click on the products that you need and add them to your shopping cart, you pull up to the participating Publix at the sceduled time, your payments will be collected  ( I think you shoud pay online) and your groceries will be brought directly to your vehicle. How cool is that?..Right now, the services are available in Atlanta, Georgia and Tampa, Florida. There is a standard fee of $7.99 per trip no matter how many or how few items purchased.. This is such a God send for many of us and I thank Publix for starting this here. Can't wait for it to be available near me.

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