My journey as a mom from autism to new beginnings...Fashion, family and hobbies.
I can see your Soul.

While everyone is still basking in the beauty and the glamour of last night's Oscars ceremony, one perosn really stood out to me on the red carpet. Besides he simple elegance and demure pose which most of us wish we could achieve when photographed, I can't help see her and think of the pain she may still be in. Her spirit seems so plagued with sadness. I pray for the light to be brought back into your eyes and smile. Chin up my dear Michelle Williams
Her Nightline interview here
Heal our minds dear Lord
Clips from HOARDERS
For the past 3 hours I have been watching the show Hoarders for the first time and besides being extremely nauseous and sad, I feel stupid. I started a new blog where I tackle more serious and candid topics. I believe that my purpose is more than just what I live day to day and with forums as this, I could shamelessly be the guinea pig/martyr and tell my stories that so many other people privately experience but never speak about. You are not alone. Anyhow, one of my posts titled EMBARRASSED , I spoke about my shame of having to put out one of my son's mattress in my lanai. I did not mention which child just to protect their pride. This is unacceptable where I live but I don't know what else to do because the stench in unbearable and I don't have golden pockets to purchase a mattress every other day which is on average as often as it gets soiled. Here I am watching people who live in such deplorable conditions with broken spirits, minds and hearts. Some have accepted their illness, some are in denial. One common denominator is something has happened in their lives to lead them to that lifestyle. There are so many broken people out there. Mental illness is so prevalent. I really don't think society realizes that many of the problems out there are as a result of the poor mental state of society. From our soldiers returning from war and their spouses and families left behind, to the child who was given up into the foster care system and has hopped fr0m home to home and family to family in their short life. Meanwhile, I am here being hard on myself for putting a mattress outside because it smells and it's disgusting. We never quite realize how much we over react to certain things where others are living by far worse than what we think is bad in our world. On this Sunday, I ask you God to heal and protect our minds and when the world seems like it's rolling rather than rotating that it's ok to ask for help. It's not an admission to failure but to victory from the crosses that we bear..
For the past 3 hours I have been watching the show Hoarders for the first time and besides being extremely nauseous and sad, I feel stupid. I started a new blog where I tackle more serious and candid topics. I believe that my purpose is more than just what I live day to day and with forums as this, I could shamelessly be the guinea pig/martyr and tell my stories that so many other people privately experience but never speak about. You are not alone. Anyhow, one of my posts titled EMBARRASSED , I spoke about my shame of having to put out one of my son's mattress in my lanai. I did not mention which child just to protect their pride. This is unacceptable where I live but I don't know what else to do because the stench in unbearable and I don't have golden pockets to purchase a mattress every other day which is on average as often as it gets soiled. Here I am watching people who live in such deplorable conditions with broken spirits, minds and hearts. Some have accepted their illness, some are in denial. One common denominator is something has happened in their lives to lead them to that lifestyle. There are so many broken people out there. Mental illness is so prevalent. I really don't think society realizes that many of the problems out there are as a result of the poor mental state of society. From our soldiers returning from war and their spouses and families left behind, to the child who was given up into the foster care system and has hopped fr0m home to home and family to family in their short life. Meanwhile, I am here being hard on myself for putting a mattress outside because it smells and it's disgusting. We never quite realize how much we over react to certain things where others are living by far worse than what we think is bad in our world. On this Sunday, I ask you God to heal and protect our minds and when the world seems like it's rolling rather than rotating that it's ok to ask for help. It's not an admission to failure but to victory from the crosses that we bear..
How IKAT material is made..
Earlier today I created a post about a pillow I discovered with an interesting print. I wanted to know a little bit more about how it was made hence posting this video. However, I don't know whether my hormones are playing games with me again but my interest in how the fabric was made immediately diverted to wondering how many callouses are on those skilled women's fingers, how long do they work everyday, how much material is produced by doing this by hand but more importantnly how much do they get paid and how much profit is made. You know we purchase items and don't really think of how much goes into creating it. We think when we spend a lot on our purchase it's because much time and energy was put into creating it other than it being great quality but here is the debate. Do we spend a lot so that those women get paid more? hmmmm.
I would love to see this pillow up close. Busy as a bee and quite interesting. It was inspiried by the Ikat method which is a combination of dyeing and weaving. Can't imagine it on a printed piece of furniture but that's what makes us all unique right? Truly stands out. Surely feels like Spring here in Florida!!

Sumba Pillow
Open confession is good for the soul...Chapter 1.. Soul Fatigue but still here
First of all.. I missed you all (sniff sniff)!!!!! The Lord or the universe (whatever you perceive it to be) has a very strange way of revealing things to us. I am not sure how YOUR light bulb moments are manifested, but mine are through dreams and other new strange things that I am not quite ready to share. Through my little journey of self awareness, I am realizing that God truly has a sick sense of humor when he shakes some sense into me. I have been MIA for a few days because the kids have been ill... the kids meaning Trevor, Dylan and Brandon... Mr. Logan is a piece of metal.. this kid has been entertaining us throughout this hacking and coughing constantly..
So about my light bulb moment. When I found out that I was pregnant with Logan? The fear was crippling as I didn't think that I could handle having another child in the midst of struggling with my first two and their ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)..I had him and it was blissful.. I read to him every minute of the day when the boys were at school? I pulled out all the toys that the boys never paid attention to, I constantly took photos of him and videos until he was was one. I was so scared that there were nights that I layed awake just staring at him, looking to see whether the "silent thief" would come and snatch him. I wonder how it happens? Is it something that is visible to the naked know... When your child becomes autistic. When everything that they once knew, learned and had just vanished.. poof. However, so far Logan has been spared. From the day he turned one, I have been stiff. Somewhat protective of his little soul. Meanwhile mine is sooo drained.. He is now dancing, singing, saying "ears", "eyes", "mouth"...sings Patti La Belle's version of the "ABC's" on sesame street.. Dances to every beat and rythm he hears whether it be at Publix or at home.. His newest phrases are "WOWWWWWWW!!!!!!! WHAT's THISSSSSSSSS".. (so funny) and loves all things Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear..
So why am I still so unsettled? For years normal in our home has been stimming, screaming, squealing, cleaning feces, fear of the unknown and paranoia. We have been living this secret life within this almost secret society within the not so secret country in a not so secret world. Now here comes this little "thing" and I call him "thing" because his normalcy is NOT normal in our little world.. he is like a foreign object that has been here from conception. It's almost frightening. When I look at him interract with the boys and they shy away, I strangely understand what they are feeling because all they know is their weird Mommy and Daddy and each other who know their bounderies. Logan comes along and isn't having any of this introvert crap.. he gets into their faces, yells at them literally hits the sence into them...He tries to spin his older brother in the rotating chair and tickles him.. he holds his Brandon and takes his toys away while he cries and won't retaliate.. it is truly amazing to see. This is hard.. It is all so much to take in. I am scrambling trying to juggle their three little worlds and I am scared that I can not deliver the same to all equally.. I know, I know.. don't be hard on yourself Lisa, take it one day at a time Lisa.. but just like most families plan for their children's future by saving for college, or getting term life insurance I don't know what else to do. So my lightbulb moment, now that I have figured out why I am so unsettled is it is time to start from the very beginning and all the overindulgence that occured when Dylan was a baby will not occur whith Logan. I am given a third chance and I now have an opportunity to reflect on all that I have done in the past with the other two, pick what has worked and what hasn't and reinvent our family.. Lisa you are given a third chance. Enjoy it and stop questioning it!!!
So about my light bulb moment. When I found out that I was pregnant with Logan? The fear was crippling as I didn't think that I could handle having another child in the midst of struggling with my first two and their ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)..I had him and it was blissful.. I read to him every minute of the day when the boys were at school? I pulled out all the toys that the boys never paid attention to, I constantly took photos of him and videos until he was was one. I was so scared that there were nights that I layed awake just staring at him, looking to see whether the "silent thief" would come and snatch him. I wonder how it happens? Is it something that is visible to the naked know... When your child becomes autistic. When everything that they once knew, learned and had just vanished.. poof. However, so far Logan has been spared. From the day he turned one, I have been stiff. Somewhat protective of his little soul. Meanwhile mine is sooo drained.. He is now dancing, singing, saying "ears", "eyes", "mouth"...sings Patti La Belle's version of the "ABC's" on sesame street.. Dances to every beat and rythm he hears whether it be at Publix or at home.. His newest phrases are "WOWWWWWWW!!!!!!! WHAT's THISSSSSSSSS".. (so funny) and loves all things Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear..
So why am I still so unsettled? For years normal in our home has been stimming, screaming, squealing, cleaning feces, fear of the unknown and paranoia. We have been living this secret life within this almost secret society within the not so secret country in a not so secret world. Now here comes this little "thing" and I call him "thing" because his normalcy is NOT normal in our little world.. he is like a foreign object that has been here from conception. It's almost frightening. When I look at him interract with the boys and they shy away, I strangely understand what they are feeling because all they know is their weird Mommy and Daddy and each other who know their bounderies. Logan comes along and isn't having any of this introvert crap.. he gets into their faces, yells at them literally hits the sence into them...He tries to spin his older brother in the rotating chair and tickles him.. he holds his Brandon and takes his toys away while he cries and won't retaliate.. it is truly amazing to see. This is hard.. It is all so much to take in. I am scrambling trying to juggle their three little worlds and I am scared that I can not deliver the same to all equally.. I know, I know.. don't be hard on yourself Lisa, take it one day at a time Lisa.. but just like most families plan for their children's future by saving for college, or getting term life insurance I don't know what else to do. So my lightbulb moment, now that I have figured out why I am so unsettled is it is time to start from the very beginning and all the overindulgence that occured when Dylan was a baby will not occur whith Logan. I am given a third chance and I now have an opportunity to reflect on all that I have done in the past with the other two, pick what has worked and what hasn't and reinvent our family.. Lisa you are given a third chance. Enjoy it and stop questioning it!!!
Patriotic Serpent.
I have had dreams of large snakes slithering through my house when I am about to have company over. The dreams would have been so much more delightful is they wore their lapel pins when they came to warn me.

BALENCIAGA (Spring 2011)
Oh Dear....Now the poor guy doesn't stand a chance in the 2012 elections..
Happy President's Day.

BALENCIAGA (Spring 2011)
Oh Dear....Now the poor guy doesn't stand a chance in the 2012 elections..
Happy President's Day.
Cinched Blooming Waist
Wow!! Talk about a statement piece...No matter your dress size you could wear a night gown with this belt and and still draw the right attention..
Marc Jacobs
COMING SOON!!! "Dear Lisa B"
Marc Jacobs
COMING SOON!!! "Dear Lisa B"
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic 2011"
Drink it up!!! Drink it up!!!!!
..... Ouu that was so much fun!!!
To Erica, Michelle, Lisa and our REDDEST WINE of all, ETHEL... Thank you sooooooo much for participating and being good sports.. You all are not walking away empty handed. Ohh no dearies... You will each be receiving a consolation prize...
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest" 2011..
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Welcome to the first
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest 2011
Before I introduce my lovely ladies, I just want to personally thank them for responding to my request from the hundreds of invitations sent out. The contest was announced very last minute and although some were a little hesitant, they still came through and for that I am truly indebted. This truly means a lot to me on this day.
So without futher ado, meet our contestants. ( In no particular order)
My name is Michelle Pinder and I am 35 years old. Proud mama of a soon to be 18 year old son and wife of one of the most caring of individuals. I enjoy reading and really just spending time with my two guys.
My name is Sannyu and I am 39...40 is knocking on my door! :) I am married to a wonderful man who keeps me young (lol) and I have 2 beautiful girls. I am a Human Resource and Training Consultant. I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, going to the beach and of course, a good fete!!
My name is Lisa Dublin. I'm the Assistant Manager at Shine TV, St. Lucia's newest TV station. I'm 35 going on 36 and am determined to age like fine wine...the older I get....the better I want to look, feel, think, love and live. I'm married with two little boys.
I am a mother of two. Very spiritual, 5# years young and I am loving and living life to the fullest!!!!
I'm your average young lady or so I think!
I'm currently working as a freelance accountant which is something I never thought I would do. I work preliminary in the fashion/production industry. I love the out doors. I love Art, and working out!
Such beautiful ladies.. Very tough decision. Please vote!!!.. Deadline is Tuesday, 12:00 AM Eastern (1:00 AM in St. Lucia).. Everyone is able to vote for more than one person.. The results will be revealed on Tuesday.. Have Fun!!
Open confession is good for the Soul..Chapter 1.. "Not another VD"
I have been blogging about Valentine's Day since last month with gift suggestions, fashion etc. BUT just like the Holiday Season, Valentine's Day could sometimes be one of the worst times of the year for many. Some people have lost loved ones on that day, some people have been dumped on that day, some have found their spouses or significant other in bed with others on that day.. and some have just never ever found love and that day may have no significant meaning to them.
Have you ever looked around at friends, celebrities, school mates and wondered who would have ever thought that they would be single or have no kids at this stage in their life? I know I do especially if they are beautiful, were popular, dated the the most popular guys and just seemed like everything was perfect in their world. Whenever I think of celebrities, two names come to mind.. Halle Berry and Jennifer Aniston... One has been named the most beautiful woman in the world and the other America's sweetheart, but cupid has delayed in bringing them the right people or perhaps hasn't brought "them to themselves"..What does that mean? I know for a fact that you have to be at a certain place in your life where you are centered in order to attract the person that God has truly meant for you.. We sometimes work so hard trying to find someone. Go to the bars, the clubs, we leave the house on the prowl, but we never put that amount of effort in finding the one person that will produce the most love and it is our self. Love from a partner shouldn't "complete" us but should just enhance our already fruitful life.. So ladies, if this Valentine's Day you are single? It's OK.. See it as a gift of opportunity that God has given you to find out something new about your ever loving, every growing, ever learning, ever changing self.. Tell your heart to be still for a minute, and not that you don't want to put effort into finding love but allow the work to to be stirred through your energy and not your action.. Love will eventually find you...Trust me, I am talking from experience. Ohh and good luck Halle and Jennifer.. :-)
Just like Red Wine...;-)
Breathe Lisa..... BREATHEEEE
Ok so a few months ago I was browsing through Facebook and saw that a friend of mine, who not very often posts pictures, apparently remembered that she owned a camera and used it from time to time (hehehe she will kill me)... She posted photos from event upon event that she attended during the Holiday season and even before.. I spent all my spare time ( whatever that is) just clicking and clicking through, every photo looked better than the one before.. I was just in awe at how BEAUTIFUL St. Lucian women are, but what struck me, was MOST, if not ALL were over 35!! It was simply incredible to see.. No plastic surgery, just good music, great food but far more importantly, in my opinion, a great circle of true friendships, something that I am on my journey to claim and is understanding what it should be rather than what it is.
So the poll for "What Topic Would Most Interest You" is now closed and it was a very close call between Fashion and Women's Issues but it looks like I will be talking about breasts a whole lot more on here in the near future ( I can't wait.. hehehehe) The results of the poll together with my friend's photos made my juices flow and I have decided to have.... Drum Roll
Brandylis and The Bear
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest"
As of now, this contest will be held every year for Valentine's Day and it is for women 35 - 55 years..
Sorry youngings!!!! I am turning 35 this year and for many years medicine and society have branded it the dreaded number.. Your eggs are too old, your modelling career is over, you can't wear certain styles anymore or comb your hair certain ways, you're too old for this job.. It's always what you can't do but what many of us haven't realized is that these are the years of reckoning. Our parents raise us until we turn 18 and from then until 35 we make all the mistakes. From 35 to 40 we begin to shed the burdens of our childhood and young adulthood and by 40 we fit in to our skin and our place in this life with confidence.. So far this has been the course of my life. So after this longgggg introduction...screeeeccchhhh ( Lawddddd I am laughing so hard here because Trevor was away all week from last Sunday to be exact, he returned last night at around 5:00pm and now he is crapping his pants with the kids downstairs. Logan is making him sweat, I haven't stopped hearing Brandon's name and Dylan, well Dylan is still asking for food... WAhhhhy bordie... Ou kweh ee tay ayzay.. Welcome to the jungle baby.. vacation (your lecture/class) is over).... Ah-Hem.. Further in the News.. Where was I? Ohhh yessss ( fixing my top)..
Welcome to the First Annual Brandylis and the Bear
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest"..
1. Must be a Woman..
2. Must be ages 35 to 55!!
3. Must be willing to have your real age posted.
4. Must give a brief description of oneself eg. kids, likes, peeves, hobbies, occupation, status etc. anything
5. Must be from St. Lucia!!!!!!
Please submit your BEST photo, preferably a head shot to with the title "Contest Photo" with your brief description and age.. Deadline for submission will be Sunday February 13th at 8:00pm Eastern ((9:00 pm St Lucia).. There will be a random drawing of 10 names picked by Logi Bear from a hat (hahaha).. You won't know whether you were chosen until Monday January 14 ( Valentine's Day) when voting will begin... The deadline for voting is 11:59 pm (Eastern) 12:59 (St. Lucia time..hehehe) and the Winner will be revealed on Tuesday... Each person is permitted ONE vote so finalist, please spread the word to your friends to vote for you... Now what will the prize be?
Ok so a few months ago I was browsing through Facebook and saw that a friend of mine, who not very often posts pictures, apparently remembered that she owned a camera and used it from time to time (hehehe she will kill me)... She posted photos from event upon event that she attended during the Holiday season and even before.. I spent all my spare time ( whatever that is) just clicking and clicking through, every photo looked better than the one before.. I was just in awe at how BEAUTIFUL St. Lucian women are, but what struck me, was MOST, if not ALL were over 35!! It was simply incredible to see.. No plastic surgery, just good music, great food but far more importantly, in my opinion, a great circle of true friendships, something that I am on my journey to claim and is understanding what it should be rather than what it is.
So the poll for "What Topic Would Most Interest You" is now closed and it was a very close call between Fashion and Women's Issues but it looks like I will be talking about breasts a whole lot more on here in the near future ( I can't wait.. hehehehe) The results of the poll together with my friend's photos made my juices flow and I have decided to have.... Drum Roll
Brandylis and The Bear
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest"
As of now, this contest will be held every year for Valentine's Day and it is for women 35 - 55 years..
Sorry youngings!!!! I am turning 35 this year and for many years medicine and society have branded it the dreaded number.. Your eggs are too old, your modelling career is over, you can't wear certain styles anymore or comb your hair certain ways, you're too old for this job.. It's always what you can't do but what many of us haven't realized is that these are the years of reckoning. Our parents raise us until we turn 18 and from then until 35 we make all the mistakes. From 35 to 40 we begin to shed the burdens of our childhood and young adulthood and by 40 we fit in to our skin and our place in this life with confidence.. So far this has been the course of my life. So after this longgggg introduction...screeeeccchhhh ( Lawddddd I am laughing so hard here because Trevor was away all week from last Sunday to be exact, he returned last night at around 5:00pm and now he is crapping his pants with the kids downstairs. Logan is making him sweat, I haven't stopped hearing Brandon's name and Dylan, well Dylan is still asking for food... WAhhhhy bordie... Ou kweh ee tay ayzay.. Welcome to the jungle baby.. vacation (your lecture/class) is over).... Ah-Hem.. Further in the News.. Where was I? Ohhh yessss ( fixing my top)..
Welcome to the First Annual Brandylis and the Bear
"Miss Red Wine Photogenic Contest"..
1. Must be a Woman..
2. Must be ages 35 to 55!!
3. Must be willing to have your real age posted.
4. Must give a brief description of oneself eg. kids, likes, peeves, hobbies, occupation, status etc. anything
5. Must be from St. Lucia!!!!!!
Center Stage
Oh dear I hope I don't stand alone in this one, but as a little girl my mom would often use brooches to replace safety pins for my handmade (by her) dresses if they were not completed in time for Midnight Mass. I remember being horrified because I always associated brooches with Jean Nate mixed with Vicks scented 50 year old church ladies..(Yes, when you are a 5 year old, 50 is old!!).. Little did I know that I would now in my mid 30's be mystified with their craftsmanship and also appreciate how much of a center stage role they play in many a simple outfits.
Spring 2011
Giorgio Armani

Spring 2011
Giorgio Armani


Oscar de la Renta

Erickson Beamon

This is how the evening began...
"Babes did you get the shoes?"
"Not too close now. I was breaking out in hives last night."
"Is that how they pose on the Red Carpet?"
I had been waiting to see this Broadway performance since December and it was finally here. Trevor got a couple photos of me just before I left and then realized that there was room left for only 4 photos.. He quickly ran to get his extra card an off I went... I attended the 2:00pm matinee show just in case the kids had decided to tear the house down before the 8:00pm show and I couldn't attend. Fortunately this allowed me to get the best seats.... Orchestra..... like seriously, I was right behind the conductress.. I was so close that I could see the stitching on the costumes and the spit from the miners' mouths.. So on entering I proceeded to my seat, which was right next to a really stuffy couple. To my left was an empty seat and to that left was this young man (Joel) who immediately asked me whether I was here with someone. Answering no, he immediately asked me to sit next to him and told me that he was apologizing in advance because he will be in tears as his niece was performing.. Oh boy!!!!! Just my kinda guy!!!!. I love seeing enthusiastic parents and family members.. All of a sudden I saw this little pint sized miniature cutey patootie appear from no where with his boom box and lollipop and climbed the side stairs to the stage.. Lights go dim...
....about 1 1/2 hours later, after a few tears, lots of laughter and astounding rounds of applause and standing ovations from the entire theater it was intermission and Joel and I stood up to exit our seats. Before I could even begin walking out, this woman extended her entire body towards Joel and said something that was inaudible to me but most definitely unpleasant to him based upon the look on his face. I stood up and said.. WHAT DID SHE SAY? ( while squeezing ourselves between the seats to exit).. I was getting hot, my armpits began sweating and I instinctively put my arm around his waist leading us out.. Then he said to me that she had mentioned his applauding was very annoying... WHAT!!!!!?????? (ok Lisa, remember your dress is short and you took over 30 mins to get your hair to stay slicked back).... Solidarity?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Isn't that among other things what the play was about?
Vent time... Incase you don't know by now, I went to see Billy Elliot and incase you haven't seen it, besides it being a must see, I will just tell you that the youngest person in the cast is about 7 years old.. This is a 3 hour production... Have older people forgotten what it is to be a proud parent? The sacrifice? The dedication? Anyhow, we exit and I get to meet the mother of Joel's niece, Dana Marlowe.. So it's now time for group shot, I pull out my camera, powered it on and it said "CARD NEEDS FORMATING"... what the Hell!!!.. The camera caput!!!!... Nothing at all was happening; the card wasn't formatting.. I had so many questions to ask.. I had so many photos to take .. I was so close to the stage. NOOOOO!!!!
Time for plan B (Phone)
Joel and I
Rebecca Marlowe
Miners in too toos
The star of the show.. Billy Elliot ( Lex Ishimoto)
Ladies awaiting valet
"Babes did you get the shoes?"
"Not too close now. I was breaking out in hives last night."
"Is that how they pose on the Red Carpet?"
I had been waiting to see this Broadway performance since December and it was finally here. Trevor got a couple photos of me just before I left and then realized that there was room left for only 4 photos.. He quickly ran to get his extra card an off I went... I attended the 2:00pm matinee show just in case the kids had decided to tear the house down before the 8:00pm show and I couldn't attend. Fortunately this allowed me to get the best seats.... Orchestra..... like seriously, I was right behind the conductress.. I was so close that I could see the stitching on the costumes and the spit from the miners' mouths.. So on entering I proceeded to my seat, which was right next to a really stuffy couple. To my left was an empty seat and to that left was this young man (Joel) who immediately asked me whether I was here with someone. Answering no, he immediately asked me to sit next to him and told me that he was apologizing in advance because he will be in tears as his niece was performing.. Oh boy!!!!! Just my kinda guy!!!!. I love seeing enthusiastic parents and family members.. All of a sudden I saw this little pint sized miniature cutey patootie appear from no where with his boom box and lollipop and climbed the side stairs to the stage.. Lights go dim...
....about 1 1/2 hours later, after a few tears, lots of laughter and astounding rounds of applause and standing ovations from the entire theater it was intermission and Joel and I stood up to exit our seats. Before I could even begin walking out, this woman extended her entire body towards Joel and said something that was inaudible to me but most definitely unpleasant to him based upon the look on his face. I stood up and said.. WHAT DID SHE SAY? ( while squeezing ourselves between the seats to exit).. I was getting hot, my armpits began sweating and I instinctively put my arm around his waist leading us out.. Then he said to me that she had mentioned his applauding was very annoying... WHAT!!!!!?????? (ok Lisa, remember your dress is short and you took over 30 mins to get your hair to stay slicked back).... Solidarity?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Isn't that among other things what the play was about?
Vent time... Incase you don't know by now, I went to see Billy Elliot and incase you haven't seen it, besides it being a must see, I will just tell you that the youngest person in the cast is about 7 years old.. This is a 3 hour production... Have older people forgotten what it is to be a proud parent? The sacrifice? The dedication? Anyhow, we exit and I get to meet the mother of Joel's niece, Dana Marlowe.. So it's now time for group shot, I pull out my camera, powered it on and it said "CARD NEEDS FORMATING"... what the Hell!!!.. The camera caput!!!!... Nothing at all was happening; the card wasn't formatting.. I had so many questions to ask.. I had so many photos to take .. I was so close to the stage. NOOOOO!!!!
Time for plan B (Phone)
Joel and I
Rebecca Marlowe
Miners in too toos
The star of the show.. Billy Elliot ( Lex Ishimoto)
Ladies awaiting valet
What a magnificent show.. I am dying to talk about my experience in detail, but I want you all to see this. Joel had to leave during intermission to start his journey back to Miami. Dana Marlowe ( Rebecca Marlowe's mom) then came to sit beside me for the duration of the show.. The photos above were taken at the end as photography is not permitted during the performance.. Just before the final curtain came down and the entire cast came forward for the final wave, all the tiny ballerinas scoped the crowd and when they saw Mrs. Marlowe, they all became estatic waving and jumping.. They were so happy to see her as if she were all of their moms.. It brought tears to my eyes.. TAKE THAT GRANNY GROUCH!!!
Le Chocolat (PART 1)
On entering, a brief history and facts about chocolate were on display..
Now comes the truly interesting facts, many I didn't know...
Ka-Ka-Wa?!?!?... Who would have thought?!..Hehehehe
Now for some treats...Sure you can handle it?
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