My journey as a mom from autism to new beginnings...Fashion, family and hobbies.
Be Right Back...
Looks like I will be out of commission for a couple days. Note to all.. never have a root canal and impacted wisdom tooth extracted less than a week apart on the same side, right beside each other. When Prescription ibuprofen and Percocet doesn't help you have to get it checked.. Swollen face..unbearable pain. Isn't life just great.. Looks like baby week will be next week.. Please be safe everyone....xoxo
And the winner is... Name that cutie!!!!
OKKKKK... I know I was horrible an hour ago.......lollllll, but now it's time.
I would like to thank those of you who participated in this contest and I am so thrilled to announce the winner. The comments with the answers our participants posted are now under NAME THAT CUTIE. GAME TIME!!!! ...and now... THE WINNER IS!!!!!!!!....
Soooooo, are you guys ready to know the FULL name of this celebrity cutie pie? She is The daughter of actress Jessica Alba and husband Cash Warren... She is going to be a big sister is a few months and her name is.....
I would like to thank those of you who participated in this contest and I am so thrilled to announce the winner. The comments with the answers our participants posted are now under NAME THAT CUTIE. GAME TIME!!!! ...and now... THE WINNER IS!!!!!!!!....
Who won the CONTEST?!?!?!?!?!?!
So it is now 8:00 p.m. and you just can't wait to see whether you won the contest for NAME THAT CUTIE!!!!! Why don't you click here for the results... Then go to the next page...
Glamour in perfect Har-mo-ny....
....... the elephants remain in the wild at
Don't forget deadline to answer question for GAME TIME is tonight at 9:00 p.m!!!
Security at my Fingertips...
When I was a little girl in St. Lucia about 8 or 9 years old, a burglar broke into our home and made a sweep while my mom and I slept. We woke up to our front door wide opened, the furniture outside was gone, one sofa was gone, ornaments and some kitchen appliances gone. From that day my mom installed an alarm system into the house. The joke is she was and still is petrified of the alarm sounding so would often run in, tripping over the stairs to disarm it... loll... Poor lady. When I moved out and got my own apartment, the first criteria was an alarm system as I never wanted to feel that violation again.
When my husband and I bought our first home, ironically, his priority was to get an alarm installed but it was for reasons other than stuff being stolen. Rather, it was for protection as he was always away on business. We installed the ADT ALARM SYSTEM and are very pleased with their services. We get call backs within a minute of the sounding of the alarm and customer service is very professional.
In addition to the safety they provide, when our first child, Dylan was diagnosed with autism, it became a life saver as he would often open doors and windows to escape. It was the extra eyes that I needed and as some may think of home security systems as a luxury, for many parents of autistic kids it is a necessity. They probably get more false alarms from us than anyone else but they are always so courteous and patient.
But here is what I just found out. Now ADT offers a feature called ADT PULSE which allows you to disarm your alarm from your cell phone or internet... How cool is that?... Boy if only that was around when I was a little girl growing up in St. Lucia, my mom's anxiety before entering the house would decrease ten folds and perhaps she would have taken less fall running to disarm it before the sirens blaze... hehehe
When my husband and I bought our first home, ironically, his priority was to get an alarm installed but it was for reasons other than stuff being stolen. Rather, it was for protection as he was always away on business. We installed the ADT ALARM SYSTEM and are very pleased with their services. We get call backs within a minute of the sounding of the alarm and customer service is very professional.
In addition to the safety they provide, when our first child, Dylan was diagnosed with autism, it became a life saver as he would often open doors and windows to escape. It was the extra eyes that I needed and as some may think of home security systems as a luxury, for many parents of autistic kids it is a necessity. They probably get more false alarms from us than anyone else but they are always so courteous and patient.
But here is what I just found out. Now ADT offers a feature called ADT PULSE which allows you to disarm your alarm from your cell phone or internet... How cool is that?... Boy if only that was around when I was a little girl growing up in St. Lucia, my mom's anxiety before entering the house would decrease ten folds and perhaps she would have taken less fall running to disarm it before the sirens blaze... hehehe
Name That Cutie...Game time!!!!
oh how I love motherhood and since next week will be devoted to all things BABY, I wanted to end the week with a simple contest...
What is the FULL name of this cutie patootie?
Please submit your answers in the form of a "comment" and since I have disabled the visibility of comments to be fair to those answering, all will be revealed at the end of the contest. Multiple entries of the same correct answer will enter a pool for the drawing of the prize and the winner will be revealed on Saturday at 9:00pm.
What will you be winning?...Next page..
Coming Soon !!!!....
D'accord Decor
I am now so excited about life that I am bursting. Now that the boys are back at school after Spring Break, I am ready to go all out before the dreaded Summer vacation begins... I started this blog promising to talk about EVERYTHING, but there are some topics that I am so passionate about, that I think they deserve their own blog.... I have already branched out to, which is a very personal blog about my growth through self examination, and now I am going to start my own Decor/Home/Decorating blog, where I will be showcasing model homes that I will visit,( a pastime of mine and my mom's ever since I was a little girl in St. Lucia)........ I will be visiting my beloved Home Goods weekly to showcase what's new that has caught my eye........ and perhaps a couple home improvements that I desperately need to tackle... Thanks to Nate Berkus for reigniting my passion for decorating and the importance of being surrounded by things that make you feel good which is what you have control of, amidst a life that was presented to you on a silver platter that you have no control of.... Stay tuned...
Photo courtesy Apartment therapy
D'accord Decor
I am now so excited about life that I am bursting. Now that the boys are back at school after Spring Break, I am ready to go all out before the dreaded Summer vacation begins... I started this blog promising to talk about EVERYTHING, but there are some topics that I am so passionate about, that I think they deserve their own blog.... I have already branched out to, which is a very personal blog about my growth through self examination, and now I am going to start my own Decor/Home/Decorating blog, where I will be showcasing model homes that I will visit,( a pastime of mine and my mom's ever since I was a little girl in St. Lucia)........ I will be visiting my beloved Home Goods weekly to showcase what's new that has caught my eye........ and perhaps a couple home improvements that I desperately need to tackle... Thanks to Nate Berkus for reigniting my passion for decorating and the importance of being surrounded by things that make you feel good which is what you have control of, amidst a life that was presented to you on a silver platter that you have no control of.... Stay tuned...
Photo courtesy Apartment therapy
It's Spring!!!!
Ahhhhh yes!!!.
The birds are chirping...
Noses are blowing.....
The allergy medicines are flying....
The kids are laughing....
Snow is melting.....
Windows are opening....
My heating bill is cooling.....
My pale legs are tanning....
Colors in Fashion are electrifying.......
The weeds are growing.....
The lawn mowers are sounding....
...and I would really love Scott's Lawn Service to take a break from calling my house to render their services. (Trevor has to earn the extra piece of meat)..literally and figuratively ..hehe. Ok I'll stop, it's Sunday.
It's going to be a good week... Lots of fun things in store so stay tuned and visit frequently...
Ouuu.. Tangy...
.. These Stella McCartney pieces remind me of the early morning long walks to the beach in St. Lucia with my mom when I was a little girl, where we would stop by the market to purchase limes, oranges and lemons..... we would cut them in half and submerge them in the salty sea water.... then suck on them... Talk about natures "Virgin Tequilla Sunrise".. hehehe..
Clothing: Stella McCartney
Handbag: Falabella Fruit (Neiman Marcus)
Cute as a Button!!!
Zygomaticus Major..... Disambiguation.......
I think I prefer DIMPLES....Whatever you choose to call them, you must admit that there is something about someone who has dimples that makes you go "awwwww" and gives you the urge to pinch their cheeks and cuddle with them... even when they are naughty.:-) But did you know that Dimples play a role in sexual selection, and in some cultures such as Asia, they view dimples as a sign of veracity. Helereeee!!!! I wonder how naughty are those beautiful dimpled faces below?
Cheryl Cole (cute)

Mario Lopez ( My, My My)

"St. Lucian beauty'
Malaika Pres (gorgeous)Gabrielle Union (adorable)

"St. Lucian Beauty"
Erica Barthelmy (my cutey firecracker)
Here she is again in Miss Red Wine Photogenic
They are all "Cute as a Button"... Now I also have dimples but mine are called "Cellulite" and they are NOT cute.. hehehehe
Ought to be proud..
The Nate Burkus Show has a segment called "House Proud" where proud homeowner who have submitted videos of their abode are picked and featured on the show. Today's home belonging to Sharron Saffert of Arizona swept me away. Ohhh and I featured one of the pieces of furniture in an earlier post of mine..What ....was/Is.....that?

More photos..

More photos..
Use your Outside Voice!!!!!
I don't know about you, but I am already stressing about Summer Break...... (Hives alert!!!!)... I am getting a taste of my demise this week during Spring Break.. Of all the weeks for Trevor to be teaching alllll weeeeekk lonnngggggg without coming home is of course, this week. So I have been doing research on water toys for the boys... Here are some of the new cool water toys from Toys R Us.
Bazai Twin Drop Falls Water Park

SpongeBob Water Slide and Sports Center

Little Tikes Rocky Mountain River Race

Banzai Falls Water Park

Banzai Falls Sidewinder Blast

Sex, Slaves and a Sick S.O.B ?

Have you seen the American Apparel campaign ads? It is so provocative that I won't post the photos on my blog, but will direct you to them. Note that they are not suitable for children and may be offensive to some.
The reason this has captured my attention is because a former employee of the company, Irene Morales......
...... just sued the Founder and CEO of American Apparel, Dov Charney.....
......for $250 million dollars for alleged sexual harassment. She claims that she was hired at 17 and he demanded her to visit his Manhatten apartment just after her 18th birthday. She arrived only to find him in his underwear, where he forced her to perform oral sex and other sexual acts over a period of time and held her hostage in his apartment.. (Oh boy)...
You know the "You're innocent until proven guilty" saying but is it fair to judge him based on some of the photos that have been chosen for his campaign? Could it possible hurt his case?..
What do you think? Click here to view those photos.
Ewww... Gagging here.

Publix is the New Chilis..
For many years when my husband travelled for weeks at a time, leaving me alone with the kids, besides wishing that I had an extra pair of eyes to watch them while I take a half an hour nap, my biggest wish/desire was the ability to get groceries without leaving my car. There is nothing like running out of your most important staple during the day when you are with kids who can't tolerate the overstimulation of a supermarket. Just to gather them all into the vehicle while functioning on two hours sleep and several carpet steaming later was simply unbearable.
Alas, select Publix supermarkets offer "Curbside Pick Up"... Yippieeee!!!.. You simple go to and under "Services" you will find "Publix Curbside" and follow the instructions In a nut shell, you click on the products that you need and add them to your shopping cart, you pull up to the participating Publix at the sceduled time, your payments will be collected ( I think you shoud pay online) and your groceries will be brought directly to your vehicle. How cool is that?..Right now, the services are available in Atlanta, Georgia and Tampa, Florida. There is a standard fee of $7.99 per trip no matter how many or how few items purchased.. This is such a God send for many of us and I thank Publix for starting this here. Can't wait for it to be available near me.
The Early Spring Scrooge...Rarrrrrr!!!!
Besides the dreadful Spring time allergies that I have heard of but fortunately don't get, there is another thing that scares me to the core.. (bring in the theme from Jaws) It's called "Let's Go SWIMMINGGGGGGG"...... (first day the clocks turn back).. Mother mercy... Kids with autism are so fearless when it comes to things that they enjoy... It is like being such a bacon lover, that you would but the sizzling bacon into your mouth directly from the hot griddle or frying pan... and that is without putting in on a plate. Many autistic kids have loveeeee water and will enter no matter the temperature. So could you imagine being cooped up in the house since the middle of November to March, and the closest thing to a pool is your bathtub which you now have to share with your third baby brother..... hmmm.....
....ONE YEAR EARLIER...(7:00 p.m.)
"But wait...why am I now smiling?"
"..because you are smiling...."
"'s for moments like these"
"...and like these that make it all worth it in the end"
...I wonder what is going to happen this year as Logan is a little older? I am doomed....Stay tuned!!!!!!
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